Saturday, June 4, 2011

Aesthetics - Week One

Aesthetics: Philosophy of the Arts - Key Concepts

1.        Study of beauty and art – works of arts
      2.       Plato – 4th century BC – what is beautiful in itself is not this object or that one, but which conveys their own nature.
      3.       Aristotle analysis tragedies – Unity of action, time and play.
      4.       Francis Hutcheson – 18th century – The ideas brought about in our soul by beauty and harmony delight us necessarily and immediately just like the other sensible ideas.
      5.       Alexander Baumgarten – 18th century coined word aesthetics from Greek words for perception, aisthanomai.
      6.       Immanuel Kant – Through the genius nature set rules to art.
      7.       Friedrich Von Schiller 18th century – When we develop our aesthetic capacities, we develop our moral capacities, so much so that aesthetic education renders moral education superfluous.
      8.       Geary William Heyei – 19th century – The work of art is a sensible object not only for the sensible intuition, but also for the spirit… The beautiful is defined as the appearance or the sensible reflection of the Idea, of the Absolute.
      9.       Geburt der Tragodie –
    10.   Friedrich Nietzache – 19th century – Only art can replace old mythologies.
    11.   Ludwig Wittgenstein – 20th century – Do you think I have a theory? Do you think I am saying what this is and what that is? I describe; I give examples. You have to describe ways of living in order to be clear about the aesthetic principles.
   12.    Morris Weitz – 20th century – What I am arguing, then, is that the very expansive, adventurous character of art, its ever-present changes and novel creations, makes it logically impossible to ensure any set of defining properties.
   13.   Art is art no matter what we call art, even an upside down urinal
   14.   John Dewey – 20th century – Feelings aroused by a work of art are not purely a personal experience, they must be of a universal nature.
   15.   A work of art is no longer unique and unrepeatable with the digital era

Carta: Neurobiology Neurology and Art and Aesthetics      Accent makes it difficult to understand
    1.        Jean-Pierre Changeux – rules and constraints of artistic creation: the neurobiologist viewpoint.
         ·         Works of art = artifacts, human productions… specialized for intersubjective communication that use – symbolic forms – genetically & epigenetically encoded
         ·         Distinct from language = non verbal communication of emotional states, knowledge, experience with multiplicity of codes yet, under implicit constraints of – rules – regies de art
         ·         With esthetic efficacy staggering effects on emotion & reason mobilizing conscious & non-conscious processes
         ·         Art is constant evolution = art history renewal yet without apparent progress
         ·         Novelty – constant search for the unanticipated
         ·         Consensus partium – the universal search for harmony
         ·         Symmetry vs. aesthetics – within the brain
         ·         The artist attempt to share his conception of the world
         ·         Schematization; - bottom up realism vs top down abstraction?

2.       Vilayanur Ramachandran - The science of Art: A Neurological Theory of artistic experience
         ·         Science and Art met in our brains
         ·         How does the heart respond to art
         ·         Eight laws of Art
                        Grouping or binding
                        Peak shift principal
                        Isolating a single cue to optimally excite cortical visual areas (attention)
                        Perceptual problem solving
                        Abhorrence of unique vantage points and suspicious coincidences
                        Art as metaphor
Wow it’s a lion – when your brain figure out what the picture is

Immanuel Kant theory on aesthetics was judgment of the beautiful is subjective. No exact science of the beautiful. Kant proposes that aesthetic experience brings sensibility and reason together. Judging beauty is a feeling and cannot be formalized. His era was the end of the 18th century Enlightenment.

The videos continue teaching about aesthetics of art and explored more how the brain works when looking at art.

I did not enjoy the French speaker Changeux he was very hard to understand, but Ramachandran was very funny and a good speaker who keep my interest. 

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