Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Video Review Week 9

I chose the Abstract Expressionism and Pop because I like Abstract paintings.  I also like Modern art so I watched the video on Modernity and Art.

Abstract Expressionism and Pop: Art of the 50s and 60s
Abstract art is compared to figurative art.  Franz Kline – C & O.  Helen Frankenthaler – Mountains and Sea.  Wilem de Kooning – Morning: The Springs.  Jasper Johns – Flag.  Andy Warhol – The Texan: Portrait of Robert Rauschenberg.  Roy Lichtenstein – Girl with Hair Ribbon.  Abstract Expressionism joined attitudes in American art and European avant-garde art.  Avant-garde – each generation, believed it was their duty to go further than the one before.

Uncertainty: Modernity and Art
The program stretches into contemporary art to ask: What can we still believe in?  Modern art is contemporary society’s version of Delphic Oracles.  Art has its own memory of itself, its own psychic strata.  Modern art underlying message is uncertainty.  Modern art is a complete break from art of the past that was inspirational, idealized.  Modern Art keeps responding to modern life.   Modern art has become an icon for moral goodness.  Abstract art asks questions, and it provides no answers.  Paul Klee is one of the original creators of the abstract look.  Pop art represents a change in thinking from the 50s to the 60s.  Pop art suggests that things and people are thrown away because things keep changing.  Art is about impulse, whim and casualness.  What is the message of art today? Answers lie within, not without.

The videos related to the chapters reading.  The videos were interesting to watch and see the detailed paintings and the people associated with these cultures and religions.

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